The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Winter Fest

Winter Bowling

Weeeeeee...Bella and me sliding down the huge snow hills

This weekend the Wheatons slid into their snow pants, zipped up their coats and headed out to the Fredericton Aliant Winter Fest. We parked at the Brookside mall where we waited patiently in the cold for the bus to pick us up and bring us to the park. There was a ton of people at the festival, so the lineups were a bit crazy, therefore we didn't do alot of the activities. Bella and I did get to slide down the snow hills. Being alittle bit of a chicken I have to admit that I was super nervous to take on the hill and bring Bella with me, but I do think she enjoyed it. We also walked through a huge snow maze and did some Ice Bowling, although we didn't even get one pin down...oh well next year. The festival wasn't fabulous, but Bella did enjoyed herself. Just being outside and getting to play in the snow, and most of all ride a school bus there and back was pretty exciting for a 17 month old girl.


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