The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Facebook Invasion

Way Too Cool!
Jody, Morgan, Jamie and Bella
Well it has been a few weeks since i've been able to blog. It seems like the new craze of Facebook has taken over all my spare computer time. For those of you who don't know what Facebook is (like my dad) well it's a like a blog but it gives you access to all your old friends, family etc and once you sign up people can search for you and send you messages. It's really a great way to invade on peoples privacy and see what's going on in your old friends lives...nothing is sacred now a days! Besides Facebook, life has been pretty busy here in Fredericton. The weather is starting to brighten up, spring has shown it's face finally. Although it's still not warm enough for shorts and sandals, it's definitely nice to see the snow melt. I've had a busy few weeks at the daycare. All of the kids have been sick off and on and it just never seems to end. Last week I had to shut down for 2 days because Bella had pinkeye, tonsillitis and a double ear infection. This week some of the kids are still sick and I myself have been down in the dumps as well. Hopefully this weekend will clear everyone up. Jamie's work is doing well, the warm weather seems to get peoples adrenaline going, a desire for fast cars. Besides that, we haven't done too much since Easter. Bella had a short little visit with her Buddy Morgan on Wednesday. I had to trim Morgans hair, so after I put both the girls hair in ponies and we did a photo shoot with the dads. Well gotta get back to work and hopefully it won't be too long until I post some more pictures.


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