The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Our backyard this morning..April 7.

Darlene as a baby...same laugh!
Birthday girl

Darlene and Al

Hot Momma's!
So this Blog is for Gloria Dean, because she says that I don't blog enough. The problem is, is that I facebook all my pictures so I just pressume that everyone is getting enough of an update that way. But for those of you who dare not Facebook, here is another blog. This weekend we celebreated Darlene Lyons 5oth birthday at City Limits. She had a great crowd of people there, and although i'm not sure if she was surprised or not, she seemed to have a great time. Jamie and Jody had a hockey tournament in Moncton this weekend. Unfortunately they got their butts kicked..or at least that is what the rumor was. Oh well i guess they just aren't ready for the big time yet, maybe next year. I think the amount of beer drank during the games didn't help the team that much either. Bella and myself headed to Saint John with our friend Nicolle and watched her sister in a cheerleading competition. Bella has now informed us that she as well is going to be a cheerleader and she's going to throw all her little friends up in the air when they come to visit. God help us all!


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