The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Bob and Cheri's 40th Anniversary

Bellas new goof buddy, cousin Brennan
Danielle singing with her back up dancers

Even Elvis came

Family shot

Geoff, Donna, Danielle, Brennan and Bella

Everyone watching Pearly the Magician perform

The Happy Couple

Adrienne and Morgie

So cool!

What a Cake!

This weekend we had Bob and Cheri's 40th Anniversary Party. The theme of the big party was 60's rock'n roll because that was the year that that were married in. We were blessed with beautiful weather which allowed us to party outside under a great big tent. Bob and Cheri where joined by all their close friends and relatives and everyone had a rock'n rolling good time. Bob and Cheri surprised all the guest with a visit from Pearly the Magician and he performed a bunch of magic tricks for the audience and I'm pretty sure everyone really enjoyed it! Geoff, (Jamies brother) Donna, Brennan and Danielle drove up from Hamilton Ontario to take in the festivities. Bella was so excited to be able to hang out with her long lost cousins who she doesn't get to see much. She'll be real sad to see Brennan and Danielle go home, but hopefully we'll be seeing them at Christmas. Jamie dressed up for the occasion like a cool dude , and even drove a cool hot rod from the 60's ( not sure what the name of it is)to make the experience even more real. As the night went on and the guests left, the Wheaton clan continuted to party into the evening with alittle bit of shake, rattle and rolling!


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