The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Is it spring yet?

Well it's definately wintertime here in Fredericton. We are covered in snow, but I can't complain because we are having fun with it. Jamie made a huge hill in the backyard for the kids and he's been playing with his new snow plow. But besides all this winter fun, we will be happy to see the spring. Girls are great. Lucci is now 5 months and she started eating solids this week. I think she likes the idea of sitting at the big table with us, as for the food, she hasn't decided if she likes it yet. Next week Bella starts her first week of swimming lessons, we're pretty excited to see how that goes. It's another late night, so I better get ready to hit the sack. Goodnight!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Welcome 2009!!!

Nicolle Carlins Baby Shower

Bella stop talking and just listen to me!

Loving the Snow

Toys from Aunt Stacey

Some more of Bella's masterpieces

Our new house
WELL HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! We rang in the new year at Jeremy Stewart and Abigail Astles wedding. It was a great way to celebrate the new year with all our closest friends. This year has started off very busy. On December 19 we started renovating our new house and moved out of our old place 2 weeks later. In 2 weeks we had floors done, walls painted, pictures hung, lights installed and a garage just jammed packed with all our belongings. Our new home is very cozy and we are just thrilled to finally call it home. Luciana Angelina is growing like a weed, although she still seems kind of small. She is 5 months old now and weighs in at 14. 6 lbs. She is sitting up with help, laughing, grabbing at everything ,not sleeping through the nights...errrrrr, but most importantly making us smiling every second of the day!!! We just love her kind and crazy spirit! She keeps us busy and is very particular with her food, her diapers, her toys, very much a princess in training. Work is great here, i have another little 2 year old starting next week and then i will be completely full regarding the daycare. Bella is so old now, it's ridiculous! She is such a big girl, having adult conversations with us, writing words, learning to read and everything that makes her a big girl now and not our little girl. Life is busy, crazy, wonderful and absolutely perfect!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

3 Months with Baby Luciana

WEll our sweet Luciana is growing like a weed. Everyday she is becoming more and more a little person. She is smiling, laying on her tummy and holding her head up and just about ready to start to chatting away like her big sister. Life has been busy here. We sold our house a month ago and get our new place next week, just before christmas. We arent' moving far, just down the street. We are completely renovating the new house, just like we did with our present home. We have been busy hiring contractors, picking out paint colours floors and on top of that shopping for christmas! I guess it better to be busy and happy then bored. We are so excited to have our first christmas as a family of 4 and show Miss Luciana what christmas at the Wheaton household is all about. Merry christmas everyone!!!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Welcome Luciana Angelina Wheaton

Morning that contractions started and we went to hospital
Well we are happy to announce that we are now a family of 4! Luciana Angelina was born Sept 14, 2008. I had been booked for induction on the 18th so when contractions started on the Sunday i didn't think that i would actually have her that day. I was already late and getting pretty impatient to have her, but didn't want to get sent home from the hospital. Contractions started at 7am in the morning and were 5 minutes apart immediately. They weren't that painful so i wasn't worried. By noon we dropped bella off at her grandparents and headed to the hospital. We arrived at 12:30pm and she was born at 5:30 that evening. Labour was intense since i opted out of drugs again, but it was fairly fast which was nice. Luciana is an absolutely perfect baby! Beautiful!!! She weighed 7 lbs 90z, the exact same as her sister Bella did. She is dark hair and dark skinned, unlike her sister, so we'll see if that remains that way. We are all settling in well with our new bundle of joy!

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Count Down Is On!!!

At Kirk and Sarahs wedding

Vances new wheels

Birthday girl turns 3!!!

Princess gone Pirate!!!
WEll the count down is finally on. I"m somewhere now between 38-39 weeks prego. I kind of have 2 due dates, one is my original one (sept 10) and the other is my newest ultrasound one (sept 3). I"m still working away with the daycare and i have been so happy to say that I made it right to the end and haven't had to shut down early. My last day of work is actually today, so baby Luciana is welcome anytime after 5pm today. We have had a busy few weeks. Bella celebrated her 3rd birthday 2 weeks ago. She had a princess/pirate themed party at the park and we were so lucky that the rain held off until the last guest left. She had a great time running around with her friends, opening gifts and eating yummy treats. She already is making a wish list for next years birthday. I think she's now getting the hang of this gift recieving thing and she likes it. We also had a great visit from our cousins Chris, Alana and Vance from Bahamas. They were here for 10 days and we tried to jam in as much fun time with them as possible. This labour day weekend we hope to announce that it truly was a labour day weekend for us. HOpefully you won't be hearing from us until the baby arrives.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bar Harbour Maine-Whale Watching

Ocean View Pool

REally enjoying the whale watching

Two Weekends ago we headed to Bar Harbour Maine to escape for a weekend getaway and see some whales. Whale watching is the main event in Bar Harbour, so don't go there unless you are planning to book a trip. It was quite an adventure seeing the whales. We boarded a huge whale watching boat, which would seat a couple hundred people. It sails pretty fast and the waves sure can make you feel a little sick...speaking from experience. We were able to see some whales though, which was pretty cool. After complaining about our horrible hotel and fighting with staff to get transfered to another hotel (which we won of course!, there are benefits to being an mouthy pregnant Italian) we ended up in a beautiful hotel, The HOliday Inn Regencey. We liked it so much that we stayed an extra day. The pool was gorgeous, overlooking the ocean. Bar Harbour Maine, was definately a place worth visiting!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Travis-Carlin Weddding

The Happy Couple
Chill'n before things get crazy

Bridal Party

Rehearsal Dinner

First Dentist Visit
We had a very busy weekend. One of my close friends Nicolle Carlin got married. So there was lots of planning,dress fittings, errands to be run etc. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, we couldn't of asked for better weather and the ceremony/reception was perfect. I was so happy that I was able to still fit into my bridal dress as well, that is always a bonus when you are 8 months prego. Bella also went to the dentist for the first time. She was the perfect patient! I think we have the best dentist ever. Bella got stickers, a new toothbrush for her and bear and they also made her balloon animals. Jamie asked the dentist if she had been a clown before she became a dentist!!! We are happy to say she didn't have any cavaties!