The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Welcome 2009!!!

Nicolle Carlins Baby Shower

Bella stop talking and just listen to me!

Loving the Snow

Toys from Aunt Stacey

Some more of Bella's masterpieces

Our new house
WELL HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! We rang in the new year at Jeremy Stewart and Abigail Astles wedding. It was a great way to celebrate the new year with all our closest friends. This year has started off very busy. On December 19 we started renovating our new house and moved out of our old place 2 weeks later. In 2 weeks we had floors done, walls painted, pictures hung, lights installed and a garage just jammed packed with all our belongings. Our new home is very cozy and we are just thrilled to finally call it home. Luciana Angelina is growing like a weed, although she still seems kind of small. She is 5 months old now and weighs in at 14. 6 lbs. She is sitting up with help, laughing, grabbing at everything ,not sleeping through the nights...errrrrr, but most importantly making us smiling every second of the day!!! We just love her kind and crazy spirit! She keeps us busy and is very particular with her food, her diapers, her toys, very much a princess in training. Work is great here, i have another little 2 year old starting next week and then i will be completely full regarding the daycare. Bella is so old now, it's ridiculous! She is such a big girl, having adult conversations with us, writing words, learning to read and everything that makes her a big girl now and not our little girl. Life is busy, crazy, wonderful and absolutely perfect!!!


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