The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Welcome Luciana Angelina Wheaton

Morning that contractions started and we went to hospital
Well we are happy to announce that we are now a family of 4! Luciana Angelina was born Sept 14, 2008. I had been booked for induction on the 18th so when contractions started on the Sunday i didn't think that i would actually have her that day. I was already late and getting pretty impatient to have her, but didn't want to get sent home from the hospital. Contractions started at 7am in the morning and were 5 minutes apart immediately. They weren't that painful so i wasn't worried. By noon we dropped bella off at her grandparents and headed to the hospital. We arrived at 12:30pm and she was born at 5:30 that evening. Labour was intense since i opted out of drugs again, but it was fairly fast which was nice. Luciana is an absolutely perfect baby! Beautiful!!! She weighed 7 lbs 90z, the exact same as her sister Bella did. She is dark hair and dark skinned, unlike her sister, so we'll see if that remains that way. We are all settling in well with our new bundle of joy!


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