The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Count Down Is On!!!

At Kirk and Sarahs wedding

Vances new wheels

Birthday girl turns 3!!!

Princess gone Pirate!!!
WEll the count down is finally on. I"m somewhere now between 38-39 weeks prego. I kind of have 2 due dates, one is my original one (sept 10) and the other is my newest ultrasound one (sept 3). I"m still working away with the daycare and i have been so happy to say that I made it right to the end and haven't had to shut down early. My last day of work is actually today, so baby Luciana is welcome anytime after 5pm today. We have had a busy few weeks. Bella celebrated her 3rd birthday 2 weeks ago. She had a princess/pirate themed party at the park and we were so lucky that the rain held off until the last guest left. She had a great time running around with her friends, opening gifts and eating yummy treats. She already is making a wish list for next years birthday. I think she's now getting the hang of this gift recieving thing and she likes it. We also had a great visit from our cousins Chris, Alana and Vance from Bahamas. They were here for 10 days and we tried to jam in as much fun time with them as possible. This labour day weekend we hope to announce that it truly was a labour day weekend for us. HOpefully you won't be hearing from us until the baby arrives.


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