The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Bella's New Pad

Look at our new fort!

This weekend we decided to tackle the playroom. Bella and the kids spend so much time in there, and the previous owners of the house had painted the room a pale pink, which was ok for the moment, but we wanted to make the room really exciting! So Jamie and I got the brushes out Friday night and started painting (Jamie just loves when I give him projects). Then I painted big bright circles all around the room, which Bella calls 'Balls'. Some new cork was added to the walls so we could hang up art work and some of the kids masterpieces were framed and displayed as well. Bella also got a really cool tent and I made big soft pillows to put inside, so now there's lots of places to just chill, while still being cozy.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Blogging's For Kids!

"Hey this blogging stuff is so fun and easy, even I can do it!"
Bella just loves helping me while i'm on the computer. Pushing bottons and trying to delete things is the most fun. WE've had a busy week learning to use the potty and playing with the kiddies. Yesterday we even had a playdate with Emmanuelle and her mom and decided to go to Emmanuelles house in the morning instead of having Emmanuelle here. It was fun to play with all of her great toys. We also had alittle bit of a run in with a neighbourhood dog, as you can see the scratch in the pictures on Bella's left cheek. We were all going for a walk when a big strange dog came up and tried to knock me down, and as I was trying to gather the kids up and block them with my body, he jumped at at little Bella and scratched her face and knocked her to the ground. Luckily there was some older neighbourhood kids hanging around who saw the whole thing and one distracted the dog, while the other one helped me carry the kids into the house. The kids were all alittle scared, but they are young so I don't think they'll remember it in the future. We had her scratch checked out by a nurse and it seems to be fine, no infection. It's healing really nicely and we even saw some doggies yesterday and no one was scared.

It's My Potty and I Can Cry If I Want Too!

Well there's no crying here at potty time. Bella just turned 17 months and she decided it was time for mommy and daddy to get her a potty of her own. Right now it's more of a toy/chair to Miss Bella, but we're hoping with alittle bit of practice she'll be able to use it like a big girl. For now it's a great quiet place to read her "Potty Book".

Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's Party Time!

How Do I look for the big party?
Get down and Boogie!!!!! (with Emmanuelle the birthday girl)
Yum Yum, Dora Cake!

Bella's been having a busy weekend so far. She had gymnastics early this morning, then midmorning she had a playdate with her friend Lalla and then at 2pm she was off to Emmanuelles 2nd birthday party. It was a Dora the Explorer themed birthday bash. Birthday party's are great, there's tons of food, toys, gifts and best of all cake!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Winter Wonderland

We were hit by another huge snow storm today, it's simply beautiful! So Bella and her friends decided to go for a snow adventure to the library. Unfortunately our little Olivia was sick so she didn't get to join in the fun. We bundled up warm in our snowsuits and boarded onto the wagon. The sidewalks weren't plowed so it was definately a hard treck, but we made it! As you can see in the pictures, there was times when we didn't think we were going to make it, as you can see Bella had to take seat in the snow for a little rest.

Ssshhh......We're reading!!!!!!
Once we got to the library the kiddies had a great time colouring and reading. It was so nice and warm inside, it gave our wet clothes a chance too dry. Bella met a new friend, Mr Penguin, she decided to befriend him by reading him a story.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Our Little Gymnast

At 16 months old Bella has joined gymnastics at Kingswood Gym. She's actually alittle young to join but mommy forged her age on the papers (don't tell). Every Saturday morning at 9am herself along with 9 other little friends head to the gymnasium for trampolein, rings, bars, balance beam and floor time. Watch out Fredericton, there may be a new sports hall of famer on your hands!

Christmas with the Wheatons

Christmas Morning
Sporting the Christmas Cracker Crown


Well another great Christmas in the Wheaton household. My brother Peter came from Toronto to share the holidays with all of us. Bella was definately spoiled from Santa, she's really going to love him next year when she figures out he's the one that brings her all those gifts. We spent christmas eve and day with Jamies parents, Robbie and Jeff. On Christmas day we headed over to my sisters house to have a traditional Italian christmas (our own new tradition) where we made homemade ravioli, gnocchi and pasta...yum yum.

Jamies New Gig

Bella greets customers at World Class Auto grand opening

For those of you that don't know Jamies also had alot of changes in the last year. After 8 years of working at Clarks Chrevrolet, he's moved onto bigger and better things. His father Bob Wheaton and business partner Alison Monteith opened up a brand new car dealership fall of 2006. They specialize in used luxury cars. So far he's loving it! They are doing very well as a new dealership and are expecting a great year in 2007. So go down and visit Jamie at World Class Auto, he's got something that'll look especially good in your driveway.

Wheatons Bring In The New Year

We decided to start a blog last August and ever since our first post we haven't written since. So this years resolution is to stay current with the blog and keep you all updated. So here we go.....
It's definately been a busy year. Throughout the last year Bella has really changed. She's gone from a tiny little dependant baby to an independant, strong willed, smart little girl. Here's some pictures taken over the last year. Boy how time flies!

Our first christmas together as a family 2005

What do you mean I look like my dad? (5mths)

Our blue eyed angel!

Bella with Uncle Peter in Toronto (7months)"Look at me mom, I'm crawling" Bellas first time crawling (9mths)

Happy Birthday Bella Maria!
