The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

We're Back!

Having a tea party with Barbie while mommy and daddy put in the counter tops
Our new kitchen

On the ferris wheel

Giving daddy his fathers day gift


Well it's definitely been a long time since we've posted on our blog, sorry to all our fans! Unfortunately our computer wasn't downloading the pictures properly and blogs aren't that interesting without some pictures. So since our last posting, fathers day has come and gone. Daddy and Bella had a great day, eating out for lunch, swimming at Wilmont Park and then going over to the exhibition grounds to go on some rides at the mini fair. Bella made her daddy a beautiful picture frame with a picture of them together and then added her hand prints in the adjoining frame. WE also went out and searched for a new bbq because ours had officially died the week before. In the last week we've also renovated our kitchen, did some painting, changed the sinks, counters and added a beautiful tumble marble tile. It's much more modern now and suits our style a little more then the country kitchen. Life all and all has been great and we're just all looking forward to a great Canada Day Long Weekend. Cheers!