The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Kilarney Beach
My new Ferrari

Well this weekend was Canada Weekend and we were all pumped to celebrate all the festivities in the provinces capital. Unfortunately life doesn't always go as planned and we ended up spending our weekend at home in bed. Poor miss Bella came down with a cold Saturday morning and by the time noon time came we had a really sick kid on our hands. Sunday we got dressed and thought we'd try to head downtown and make it to the parade but instead we took a detour and headed to Ormocto Hospital and got Bella checked out because she wasn't getting any better. Well it turns out she had a sinus infection, causing a pinkeye effect in her eyes and double ear infection. So we spent our long weekend at home in bed which is funny because it has worked out that every Canada day weekend for the past few years I had been sick and hardly made the celebrations. Oh well there's always next year! So no Canada day pictures this time.


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