The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Fall in Fredericton

Jamie and Bella apple picking

At the Park
We're actually dancing here, that's why mommy looks like an idiot in the background

My Dad, Brother and Nanny

All the grandparents

An early thanksgiving dinner with the Palmers

Well Fall has come and the weather has been absolutely beautiful here in Fredericton. It is so nice to finally put on the turtleneck sweaters and hide away from everyone and everything on those nights that are getting darker everday. We had a wonderful summer but I have to admit that I'll be happy once our life slows down a little, but i'm not sure if that'll happen with Halloween and Christmas just around the corner. We we're fortunate to get a nice visit from my family. I was able to see my dad, grandma and younger brother Joel. My older brother Peter is coming up just before Halloween so we'll be able to catch up with him as well. Jamie and I are planning a big Halloween party on the 27th, it's been quite a few years since we've thrown our annual "trash our house Halloween bash". After the last party where we had to replace all the family room/dining room carpets we decided to take a break . But we're ready to throw another one and this year we'll take out all the rugs before our guests arrive. Bella is now sleeping in a "big girl bed" and just loves it. We were really afraid that she would sneak out of the bed at night, but so far she has been doing awesome and only escaped 3 times. She can count to 20 now and basically can defeat any challenge we give her. It has also been busy around the Wheaton household as well. Jamie's dad Bob has just had major heart surgery and is recovering at the Saint John hospital. So far he has been doing great and doctors seem to think he's surgery will be a success. We are excited for him to get home and recover. We are very happy to have fall here and hopefully it'll stay awhile and snow won't come till February or so!