The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year!

Visiting at Al and Darlenes house boxing day
Chris and Gloria

Jeff, Donna and the Kids

Fool'n around with Aunty Vicki and Uncle Peter

Nanny and Grampie

I think I know whats inside!

Just finishing some sledding

Puzzles with Robbie and Grampa on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Cousin Vance is up from Bahamas

Sledding with Peter

Well the Wheatons just celebrated another great Christmas here in Freddy Beach. It has definately been a whirlwind of festivities, but we wouldn't have changed a thing. We were able to visit with lots of friends and family and things went fairly smooth for having to share our time with everyone. Bella had an awesome 3rd christmas and wasn't the least bit surprised christmas morning when she awoke to all the christmas gifts. She has this christmas thing so down pat that she knew that Santa wouldn't disappoint. We had the most extreme Dora the Explorer christmas that anyone could imagine, it was crazy! Jamie and myself were also extremely spoiled by everyone...Thank you!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Catching up....Again!






HO HO HO!!!!!
So I was at Miss Morgans 2nd birthday and realized that I had totally forgotten to update my blog and everyone there was sure to remind me of my forgetfulness and how the Wheatons were still picking apples in the fall..yikes. I have to admit that I've had a heck of a time with my computer lately and downloading pictures is a real challenge. But this morning i thought I'd give it another try and voila, it worked! Life has been extremely busy as usual and time just seems to fly by. We had a great Halloween and although Bella was recovering from being quite sick she was able to venture out in the cold dressed up as a princess and accumulate a ton of candy! Which Jamie and myself are still enjoying up to today. On November 29th I was flown to Toronto for my 30th birthday gift and I was completely spoiled by everyone. I think I deserved it of course!!!! Jamie stayed home with Bella and from the sounds of it they made out quite well without me, so I'm starting to plan my next getaway now that I know they don't need me. Jamie's work is going well, steady as usual. Him and Jeff have had a lot on their plate working at World Class Auto since Bob has been recovering at home after an intensive heart surgery, which by the way was very successful. Bob is feeling much better now and is back to work part-time. Only 1 week away from Christmas now and we are just dying for Santa to arrive. Bella has been sure to tell us a million times what she wants and boy she doesn't like to pick the cheap toys, luckily Santa is buying! My dad, Gower and brother, Peter will be flying in on Friday and we are so excited to catch up with them. Chris and Alana with little Vancey are also flying in from Bahamas, and Jamies brother and family will be here as well. So I do promise that after all our holidays are done and many pictures are taken I will be back with a vengance and I"ll be sure to post immediately! Merry Christmas to all my fellow Bloggers!!!