The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's a..............

Bellas fridge of Masterpeices! Smiley faces everywhere!!!

Yes we are going to be welcoming another sweet baby girl into the Wheaton family on September 11, 2008. WE had our ultrasound yesterday and the technician said she wasn't shy one bit, legs wide open! Oh boy, again we are in trouble. I think Jamie was a little surprised to find out it was a girl, since he was almost positive we were having a boy. We are thrilled that Bella will be able to have a little sister so close in age, as is Bella since all she ever wanted was a sister through my whole pregnancy.
We are also starting to see some signs of spring here in Freddy Beach, i even spotted some beautiful purple flowers in my garden and a wasp to accompany it. The kids were so excited today when I decided to have a picnic outside, they were jumping around and just soaking up the rays of the beautiful sun!!! Hopefully only a few more days of snow and then it will be all gone.


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