The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Just Everyday Stuff

Helping Uncle Jeff start the bomb fire....always a good idea.

spreading pea gravel in the backyard

Man i look fat...umm us spreading more gravel

Our new playground

Roller blading

Making Blueberry pies
Here's a mix match of pictures of our everyday adventures. Last week my sister had given me a huge container of blueberries so Bella and myself made good use of it by making the most delicious pies. We even brought them to Jamies work and shared our desserts. This past weekend we had to do a little bit of renovations to the back yard again, thank you to family and community services. They insisted that I put pea gravel under the very low, small play equipment that I have. I think the government just takes pleasure in making everyone spend more and more money, just to see how broke we can possibly get. So we had to rip out our beautiful garden and shovel in the pea gravel. Bella likes her new playground though. We'll have to plant some pretty flowers around it and make it all cozy and beautiful once the warmer weather makes an appearance. I"m 22 weeks along this week with my pregnancy. Things seem to be looking up. I"m feeling better, well besides having a horrible flu last week. Nausea and tiredness have gone away and besides just feeling 17 lbs overweight, i'm good.


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