The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bar Harbour Maine-Whale Watching

Ocean View Pool

REally enjoying the whale watching

Two Weekends ago we headed to Bar Harbour Maine to escape for a weekend getaway and see some whales. Whale watching is the main event in Bar Harbour, so don't go there unless you are planning to book a trip. It was quite an adventure seeing the whales. We boarded a huge whale watching boat, which would seat a couple hundred people. It sails pretty fast and the waves sure can make you feel a little sick...speaking from experience. We were able to see some whales though, which was pretty cool. After complaining about our horrible hotel and fighting with staff to get transfered to another hotel (which we won of course!, there are benefits to being an mouthy pregnant Italian) we ended up in a beautiful hotel, The HOliday Inn Regencey. We liked it so much that we stayed an extra day. The pool was gorgeous, overlooking the ocean. Bar Harbour Maine, was definately a place worth visiting!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Travis-Carlin Weddding

The Happy Couple
Chill'n before things get crazy

Bridal Party

Rehearsal Dinner

First Dentist Visit
We had a very busy weekend. One of my close friends Nicolle Carlin got married. So there was lots of planning,dress fittings, errands to be run etc. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, we couldn't of asked for better weather and the ceremony/reception was perfect. I was so happy that I was able to still fit into my bridal dress as well, that is always a bonus when you are 8 months prego. Bella also went to the dentist for the first time. She was the perfect patient! I think we have the best dentist ever. Bella got stickers, a new toothbrush for her and bear and they also made her balloon animals. Jamie asked the dentist if she had been a clown before she became a dentist!!! We are happy to say she didn't have any cavaties!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Now that is a white tummy!
A Canadian, "cheese"


Well the weather was on our side yesterday for Canada Day. It was simply beautiful out! We are so lucky to have great friends like Art and Gloria who have a nice refreshing pool for those hot days. So before we hit the downtown festivities we went for a quick dip in their pool. At 4pm we headed down to the green to see the parade. It wasn't much of a parade, but I guess the kids like it all the same. Tons of people downtown, some a little wierder looking then others, not sure where they all come from. Seems like all the strange, tattooed, smoking, cleavage revealing people like to make an appearance at all the annual festivities. There was a few times when we could have sworn we were in Holton Maine. In the evening we brought Bella to the fireworks and I'd have to say that they were really amazing this year! Bella loved them, she thought they were a little loud at times, but I think she enjoyed them all the same. Hard to believe next year at this time we'll have two little girls to enjoy all the festivities with. Unfortunately for me that's just more people to share my cotton candy with!!!