The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Be My Valentine!


Well this has definately been a busy week for Mr. Cupid. Sunday Bella went over to her friend Lalla's house to meet up with her buddies Hayden, Georgia and Lalla, where she exchanged valentines, ate lots of great treats and made a beautiful valentine picture frame. She also got to celebrate valentines with her friends Kali and Emmanuelle...more treats. Emmanuelle brought heart tattoos for the girls to wear (just like mommy). Cupid also brought Miss Bella an awesome Barney doll and movie, which is now the most important toy/person/object in her life. Barney rules!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Winter Fest

Winter Bowling

Weeeeeee...Bella and me sliding down the huge snow hills

This weekend the Wheatons slid into their snow pants, zipped up their coats and headed out to the Fredericton Aliant Winter Fest. We parked at the Brookside mall where we waited patiently in the cold for the bus to pick us up and bring us to the park. There was a ton of people at the festival, so the lineups were a bit crazy, therefore we didn't do alot of the activities. Bella and I did get to slide down the snow hills. Being alittle bit of a chicken I have to admit that I was super nervous to take on the hill and bring Bella with me, but I do think she enjoyed it. We also walked through a huge snow maze and did some Ice Bowling, although we didn't even get one pin down...oh well next year. The festival wasn't fabulous, but Bella did enjoyed herself. Just being outside and getting to play in the snow, and most of all ride a school bus there and back was pretty exciting for a 17 month old girl.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Odell Park

This afternoon we were so bored at home and trying to come up with something to do that didn't involve spending money and perhaps even a little healthy for us. So we packed up Bella's sled in the Land Rover and off we went to Odell Park. It was extremely windy out but once we got deeper into the woods it was so peaceful and calm. Bella was actually asleep when we started our adventure (as you can see in the picture above), but once we started moving she woke up, not wanting to miss out on anything. It was really nice to get out into the fresh air and get some much needed excercise.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Lets Hit The Beach! Ok...Pool.

OK..Back straight, suck it in....I"m ready!
Bella and I had a great morning today. I didn't have any kids so we decided to have a mommy/daugher day. We headed to the library for story/song time, and then we made a really neat craft out of cotton balls and paper penguins. Our friend Georgia decided to meet us there so we had a great visit with her. Then we thought it would be fun to go swimming at the indoor pool. Both of us were alittle afraid to put a bathing suit on, but once we were dressed and in the pool our fears were forgotten. Bella loved the pool! I could hardly hold onto her when she was swimming, she was kicking and laughing and yelling, "Hi" to everyone. I don't think i've seen her have that much fun in awhile.