The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Easter...Just Around The Corner

Aaaaah finally our sweet little bunny has decided to smile for the photographer at the studio. In the last year we've had such a hard time getting Bella to cooperate with the camera whenever we go to the studio. Then as soon as she leaves she's smiling and as happy as ever. Now we're able to bribe her and it seems to be working like a charm! Here she is in her new Easter dress that Nanny and Grampie Wheaton bought her in the cute!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Bob!

!Mmmmmmmmmm.............Oreo Cake!
Helping Grampie Blow Out the Candles
March 24th was Grampie Bobs 62nd birthday! So we all helped him celebrate his birthday on Sunday night at his house. Seems like there's a lot of birthdays to celebrate which is great news to Bella's ears because she's always ready for some more cake. Now when she wants dessert she just sings the Happy Birthday song and thinks she's getting seems to work at all the parties! Happy Birthday Bob!

Welcome Spring!

Little Game Of Hockey With Dad
Playing With My New Water Table

Mom Trying To Teach Me How To Ride My Bike

Well we're finally getting some real spring weather here in Fredericton. It's still fairly cold but at least the sun is out and the snow is starting to melt. Spring sure brings a sense of cheer in the air! Saturday Bella and myself went for a nice walk downtown and hit some of the shops and then ventured over to the market for some food and we even picked up some souvlakis to bring to daddy at work. Sunday Bella got out her bike, although it was more fun to push then to ride. Then we gave her her new water table. Boy was that fun! Good thing Grampie thought to buy her a splash jacket, because she was soaked!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Well the Wheatons decided it was about time to celebrate St. Patty's day like the rest of the Irish folk, so we headed to The Snooty Fox, at 3pm and drank green beer and cheered our dear friend Saint Patrick. After 9 hrs of green beer, we headed home with jolly souls and tummys full, for some much needed sleep. We had to get up nice and yearly to pick up Bella from her grandparents house. Boy it's not as fun going out for a few drinks when your a parent and you can't sleep in till noon...oh the good ole days. Hung over but as ambitious as usual, I also finished off painting the wall in my living room. I went for a deep orange/red colour, we think it looks warm and inviting. Perhaps we should have went green, in memoriam of a great St. Patty's weekend.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Our House, In The Middle Of Our Street!......

Family Room

Dinning Room

Our Bedroom

Bella's Bedroom

Living Room
For those of you who like to visit the blog and check up on the weekly lives of the Wheaton family, you know that most updates are about our Miss Bella, and as they should be since she's so darn cute. But to spice things up a little I thought I'd give you a tour of our beloved house, for those of you who haven't been here. We've done a ton of work since we've moved in and it's been pretty tiring to say the least. All the floors had to be done, walls painted, light fixtures changed, cupboard knobs in the kitchen, new appliances etc. I'm sure by the time we get everything done and looking perfect, we'll be ready to move. Luckily the outside of the house was in perfect shape and we loved the landscaping so we can actually enjoy the summer. Although some new gardens in the back would look nice, oh and a play structure for Bella and maybe we'll stain the porch....ha ha does it ever end!

Friday, March 09, 2007

So many many choices!

Bella has been the queen of hats lately, she just can't get enough of them! She's taking a real liking to the fur one..don't ask why. Maybe it reminds her of her mommas dark brown hair. It's the Italian in her dying to get out! I put a dress up box in the playroom and the kids have had a ball dressing up in costumes..oh to be a kid again. I had a busy week with my daycare. For those of you who don't know; I'm in the process of getting licensed, and boy has it been a process. Today was the big day to meet with Family services and for them to give me the go ahead for the licensing. I'm happy to say that the meeting went really well and they were really impressed with my setup and program, and it looks like I'll be licensed in the next few weeks! It's been a long few months getting this all done and it will definately be a great feeling to be government approved!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Get Your Party Hats On!

Bella decided to celebrate Daddys 31st birthday by getting everyone to make birthday hats with the tissue paper from the gifts...What a great idea Bella!!!!!

Happy Birthday Jamie!


Today was Jamies 31st Birthday. Happy Birthday!!!!!! Jamie had a weekend full of birthday celebrations. He was treated to a great birthday dinner on Friday night by ole cousin Randy and few other friends joined us to celebrate at The Blue Door restaurant. Yesterday Bella and I took him out for dinner at a local steak house and treated him to great steak dinner..yum yum. Tonight we went to Bob and Cheris and had steak and porkchops with a whole bunch of other goodies and a great chocolate smartie cake made by aunt Robbie. I think Bella enjoyed the cake more then anyone else. Hope you have a great year Jamie!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

18 Months and Growing!

Awwww...aren't I cute!

Don't Mess With Me Man!
On February 19 Bella turned a year in a half. It's amazing to see how big she has gotten over the last few months. She had her 18month checkup and the doctor was amazed by how tall she was. Bella weighed in at 29lbs and 35 inches. She's quite the little character, always dancing, singing and keeping Jamie and me on our toes. Right now her favourite things are Robots and Barney. Barney and her long beloved Bear are her two close companions that go everywhere she does.