The Wheaton's

The Wheatons decided to get high tech and join the blogging world. So welcome to the life and times of the Wheatons. The past few years have definately been exciting for us all.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Return of Samuel!

Oh Sammy!
Look Mommy!

Putting Samuel back in his home!

You're probably wondering who the heck is Samuel, and that you should. Samuel is a long lost friend of the daycare. We met probably 6 years ago in our little garden on Parklyn Court and from first sight Sammy and the kiddies have taken on a real liking for each other. Samuel was a shrunken up worm that our little buddy Jackson found when the kids were playing in the backyard. The kids just went crazy for this little worm, making him a house, getting him food and so on. Well year after year, every worm that the kids found was the same ole Samuel and the kids would be so excited that he was safe and sound after all the harsh weather and him disappearing for days on end. Well just yesterday while Bella and I were gardening at our new home on Wiggins Drive, Samuel decided to pop out of the mud and make an appearance. Bella was thrilled to meet the little fellow for the first time and although he had to suffer through some stretching, squishing and just a little too much smothering from Bella, i'm sure he'll be back. Sammy we missed you!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer Fun is Just Beginning!

All the couples
The Happy Couple...Tommy and Kyla Goodine

Adrienne, Amy,Alana and Moi

Bella, Baby Morgan from Boston and Morgan

Free Spirits!

Just Chill'in

Chris, Jamie, Dan and Jody
These last two weekends have been pretty fun filled and busy. Jamies cousin Chris Wheaton and his wife Alana and son Vance flew into Fredericton from Bahamas, so we've been busy visiting with them. Two weekends ago we had a family bbq/birthday bash at our house to help Alana celebrate her 29th birthday. This weekend the gang was all invited over to Adrienne and Jodys for a bbq. A chance for all the kids to meet one another. The weather was beautiful for once and we were all able to run around outside, well the kids did at least. Baby Morgan came up from Boston with her parents Dan and Karen and we were all really excited to meet her for the first time. It was Vances first time meeting the two Morgans as well. He was able to show off his soccer skills and teach the girls a few things. On Saturday we were all off to Tommy Goodines and Kyla Abernathy's wedding. It was held at the Westmorland church downtown and the reception was Marysville Heritage center. It was a beautiful wedding and everyone had a great time! Chris and Alana flew back to Bahamas early Sunday morning and we were all sad to see them go. Bella is really going to miss her big cousin Vance, they really loved playing with eachother. It was definately fun seeing the two new rowdy Wheatons take over!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Never Too Young!

Man, these new highlights are going to look adorable!
Mommy and me getting beautified!
There are times when we wonder if Bella is our little tomboy since she loves cars, looks just like her daddy and can definitely hold her own with the other kids. NO one pushes Miss Bella around! But I was happy to see that my little girl was interested in getting her hair highlighted last Wednesday when I was highlighting Robbie and myselfs hair. She sat and watched me do Robbie's hair and then insisted that she get foils of her own. So I grabbed some foil (no dye of course) and did her hair. As you can see in the pictures, she was very proud of herself.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

Make A Wish!
The Two Moms!

Bella's "Crazy" Smile.....Too Funny

Happy Birthday Nanny...Here Comes The Cake

Reading With Grampie..Must Be a Funny Story
Not only did we celebrate Mothers Day this past weekend, but we also celebrated Cheri's 59th birthday which always falls on Mothers Day weekend. Again, Bella was able to eat more birthday cake and play with all her favourite people. I had a great Mothers Day this year. Early in the morning Jamie and Bella went and got me a coffee and I was able to go tanning while they went for a drive. The weather was beautiful so Jamie and I got some yard work done and Bella went shopping with her Aunt Vicki. Most of the day we just worked around the house, did some shopping for flowers for the garden. In the evening we had a family bbq, chicken and rice...yum yum.